There are several Wiktionary proposals for GSOC. I'm aware of another for pronunciation recording from wiktionary pages, and one to create a DICT-like api either as an extension to MW api or as a special page extension.
On 05/04/13 10:44 AM, Sebastian Hellmann wrote:
Hi Mathieu,
Am 05.04.2013 11:56, schrieb Mathieu Stumpf:
I added the dbpedia wiktionary entry on [1]. I wasn't aware of your effort, despite being really interesting in the wiktionary future. Could you please read [1] and update it with your vision as a dbpedia contributor?
this page is interesting, but seems to be very idealistic. I am not sure, every language community agrees to use a common model. I also wonder if this is possible at all and whether there is an overlap. Do you think it makes sense to edit that page? Normally, there is a lot of talk and planning and nothing comes around in the end.
Note that the good thing about Wiktionary is, that you can add information freely without adhering to a preset structure.
DBpedia is already implementing adapters to load data from WikiData. So Once WikiData is working for Wiktionary, we will have data from there and from the remaining Wikisyntax and merge them.DBpedia and WikiData have a loose cooperation for a joint task in a Google Summer of Code proposal.
All the best, Sebastian