Matthieu Barba wrote:
Salut, This page states that " Logos are global: All languages have to use the same logo ". The old one and the new one both are not consistent : every language has it's own version of the logo. And as Gerard said, there is a dilemna...
Well, I totally agree with you. People like me didn't like the old "logo" (which is not a real logo at all), but they find the new one even worse. But as the vote showed, the community is against keeping the current one (there was en extra-section for "keeping the current logo", not too many people voted for that). In my opinion, it is all in all a problem of the voting procedure; there were so many voters who are not involved in the Wiktionary project. The vote only should have been open for people participating in Wiktionary because at the end it's the "Wiktionaryans" who have to change their logo. We have to reach a consensus inside the Wiktionary community, otherwise we have that kind of problems.
Due to the fact that most people are interested in having a new logo, I guess we should rehold that vote, maybe there will be new proposals that make the decision easier :-)
Pill (wiki.pill @