The results on dbnary ( look better for this case:
PREFIX dbnary: PREFIX eng: PREFIX lexvo: PREFIX lemon:
SELECT DISTINCT ?def_value ?written_trans WHERE { ?lexform lemon:writtenRep "Suisse"@fr . ?lexentry lemon:canonicalForm ?lexform ; lemon:sense ?sense . ?sense lemon:definition ?def . ?def lemon:value ?def_value OPTIONAL { ?trans dbnary:isTranslationOf ?lexentry ; dbnary:targetLanguage lexvo:deu ; dbnary:writtenForm ?written_trans . } }
Any comments on the differences between dbnary and dbpedia-wiktionary are welcome. It's quite time consuming to judge the projects as an outsider.
On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Fabian Cretton wrote:
Hi all,
And first of all thank you for that great news (to me) of an RDF version of wiktionary.
For my first trials, I am willing to retrieve translations of words between French and German. I did manage to get "random" translations following the SPARQL examples.
But then I tried a more specific search to find translation of Suisse (Switzerland in english), and couldn't find the translation. I then simplified the query to: ?swordRes rdfs:label "Suisse"@fr . optional{?swordRes terms:hasTranslation ?twordRes }.
with no result for ?twordRes.
However, I can see many translations on this original page:
And then this also happened with other words I tried, as Valais (a swiss canton). Maybe I am not familiar enough yet with the ontology ?
By the way, I can't access: which gives me: Execution of "/DAV/VAD/dbpedia/description.vsp" failed.SQL Error: 37000 SQ074: Line 272: syntax error at ')' before 'order' thank you for your help Fabian
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