Hoi, Yes there is a way to find the number of articles in a given language and the number of languages on a wiktionary, check out the 271 languages on the nl.wikipedia http://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/Categorie:taal. You will also find that all words that are categorised have a number. All articles are categorised. :) The way it is implemented is thanks to a great suggestion from an en.wiktionarian. It was however not possible to implement this on the English wiktionary because some deemed it un-lexicological.
It is done by using templates when a language is indicated. eg {{-en-}} for an English language word.
Thanks, GerardM
James R. Johnson wrote:
Is there any way to add some tag to the wiktionary so that we can get a count of the number of different languages we have on a wiktionary, and the number of words in each? For example:
On EN:
This wiktionary has:
English: 50,345 words
German: 4,211 words
Japanese: 123 words
Spanish: 422 words
……. And so on.
Is that somehow possible by adding a language tag, say [[lang:en]] and have the tags identified per wiktionary, so that en shows up as Inglés on Spanish, Englisch on German, etc.?