It looks like no one ever sent a message to these mailing lists about
the new Wiktionary logo vote!
There's currently a banner running on all Wiktionaries:
"Your preferences for the new Wiktionary logo are needed now!
Second round of voting: 2010-01-01 — 2010-01-31"
You can read more about the process and vote on the new Wiktionary
logo on Meta-Wiki.[1] If you need to translate the message into your
local language, you can also do that on Meta-Wiki.[2]
Casey Brown
I would like to remind you one thing and to solve some people's
misunderstandings about one logo candidate which the community is now
voting on.
A book type one is commented by several people as "neutral to all
languages". But it isn't definitely. All serious Japanese dictionaries
in print (not on the WWW) are written vertically, from top to bottom.
The book logo is on the other hand written horizontally. So the
current candidate is not neutral for all language.
For the sake of COI, I would notice you that I voted for the other
just because of that. I say the above rather as a reminder - not every
language is orthographically written horizontally.
KIZU Naoko (in Japanese)
Quote of the Day (English):
KIZU Naoko (in Japanese)
Quote of the Day (English):