Err, not really. Your first request 10 days ago was incomplete. It lacked the necessary links (which was understandable since the language was not yet created... no project ---> no pages ---> no sysop). Jon explained that to you.
Then, when the page was created (2 days ago), Jon explained to you we usually wait 1 week before giving the status.
So, no, you are not waiting for an answer from steward... stewards are waiting for any editor on your language answer on the matter :-) Posting here will not make a difference ;-)
LOL yes... I wasn't actually trying to push the matters :) It's just that in the last days I spent so much time on the wiki that my circadians rythms are beginning to be shaky :) Normally I can count up to 10 :)))) Sometimes I even reach eleven without mistakes :)))
Now... let me tell you about all the tricks which will allow you to survive .... in case of vandalism, ask temporary access here : http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_permissions#Current_temporary_p
Thanks! It's what I needed :))