Before anything, Robert, Wikipedia on ipod looks wonderful. I do not have an ipod myself, so I can not *test*, but the very idea is great. Thank you for taking care of this.
Now, far from being willing to annoy you, I regret to tell you that Mav is correct in his questions.
You mentionned on the web page "Wikipedia content (screenshots): © 2001-2006 Wikipedia Contributors Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, etc...."
This is just correct. BUT, while the content is free to use, the logo and the brand name are not free to use by anyone. So, you need to have an authorization for this.
So, I would be happy that something is done about that. You may contact board AT on the topic. Please, do not feel "assaulted", this is just basic requirement...
A suggestion I would make as well concerns the call for donation you are making. While it would be a donation for the work you did to have the projects on the ipod itself, I think there might be a confusion in the public mind that the donation is somehow related to the encyclopedia itself. This is in particular due to the fact you called the software "encyclopodia". Have you thought of providing a link for donations to the Foundation currently supporting the Wikipedia project itself ? If not, I can certify it would be appreciated ;-)
I should have an ipod someday...
Daniel Mayer wrote:
--- Robert Bamler wrote:
A link?? You need the full text of the GFDL on the iPod. Also - I sent you an offlist question about the use of the Wikipedia trademark and logo. Again - did you get permission to do that?
- From your first sentence I really get the impression that you only want to
annoy me (you have to give in that your remark is really silly since the iPod is an offline device)
My intent is not to annoy you, but to clarify some legal issues. You said link. Given widespread improper usage, that could easily be interpreted as stating the network location. For example, just writing - the link need not be active.
- I got your offlist question and I already sent a reply several hours ago.
You only said that you removed the image from the website. Is the image also on the iPod database you provide? I don’t have an iPod so can’t check. But the much, much larger issue is trademark related. IANAL, but the way you have used the trademarked term ‘Wikipedia’ seems to me to require some sort of permission from the trademark holder (the Wikimedia Foundation).
Asking if such permission had been sought and given is a perfectly legitimate thing to do.
- Have you had a look at the website again? Or don't you have the time for
that because you're so busy looking for silly assaults against me?
Please don't feel assaulted since that is not my intent. I simply want to make sure that your great use of Wikipedia content does not jeopardize Wikimedia-held trademarks. Trademarks *must* be proactively protected or they could be lost.
-- mav
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