Quick update:
17 Jan -- When I searched for "? language" I got: Warning: REG_BADRPT in ./specialPages.php on line 365
Probably a SQL thing. I'll look into it, but it seems to be only a minor bug.
It would be nice if the Most Wanted page let you click to view which pages actually do want that one. Also, it might be nice if the number of articles want that article rather than how many times it is wanted... thus, the [? language]? problem because of the Non-English wikipedias page!
I fixed all of that. You can see it on the sourceforge site (I don't have write acces at bomis yet).
Also, I can't access an article by typing http://test.wikipedia.com/wiki/Esperanto for example.
This is an Apache thing, it will be done for the final site.
Also, it would be nice in the conversion if you could delete blank wikipedia articles so the articles that link to them become question marks again and this won't mess up the now useless Stub Articles page.
That would cause a major rewrite in the conversion script (it is supposed to run only once in a lifetime, so it is not the most universal script I ever wrote...) I could add a "Delete empty pages" functions for administrators, though.
Also, is cross-language linking implemented yet or is that still in the works?
It would work, but only between wikipediae (?) that run the PHP script. The *automatic* crosslinking is *not* implemented yet.