tarquin wrote:
well it is if I want to see if there exists a page "surrealist" so I don't need to write a pipe for [[surrealism|surrealist]].
As for redirects like "Zimbabwe/History", we don't want people to link to those. I am of the opinion that we should simply delete them -- the only argument against is that Google has indexed them.
I happen support the view that some of these useless old redirects should simply be deleted. That Google indexes them is really no excuse for keeping them. We keep them because Google indexes them; Google indexes them because we keep them. How can it end that way?
The risk that we might lose some potential follower because the link to the article he is searching is broken is so low as to be ridiculous. As Wikipedia gets bigger that risk keeps getting smaller. If we keep things just long enough for Google to index the article under its updated name that should be more than enough. Many of these old format articles are in such an irregular format that they aren't likely bases for searches. A search for /Zimbabwe History/ is going to give "History of Zimbabwe" anyway.
Keeping garbage on a site just because the space is cheap on the hard drive seems like such a wasteful attitude.