"RN" == Ralesk Ne'vennoyx ralesk@livejournal.com writes:
Me> The main problem is that in-browser WYSIWYG editors produce Me> HTML,
RN> Or program a WYSIWYG editor that produces Wiki markup.
That's possible, but the current round of in-browser editors don't let you switch around the markup produced. They make HTML, period.
RN> Or introduce Mishoo to Wikipedia and make him turn his RN> HTMLArea into a WikiArea: RN> http://dynarch.com/mishoo/htmlarea.epl
HtmlArea is one of my favorites, since it smoothes over the differences between Mozilla's and IE's in-browser editors. I think the newer epoZ does a good job, too.
There's a lot of ways this could work; I'm thinking it's long-term for now, though.