Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales wrote:
This was cute.
In 1966, John Lennon caused a bit of a stir by saying that the Beatles were "more popular than Jesus". I'm not an international rock star, so hopefully no one will notice if I post this link:
http://www.googlefight.com/cgi-bin/compare.pl?q1=Wikipedia&q2=Jesus&... and this one: http://www.googlefight.com/cgi-bin/compare.pl?q1=Wikipedia&q2=Beatles&am...
Beatles 5,560,000 Jesus 5,190,000
Beatles plus Jesus total: 10,750,000
Wikipedia by itself: 11,200,000
Roll over, John Lennon, Wikipedia is more popular than Jesus and the Beatles combined.
From George Harrison:
My idea in "My Sweet Lord," because it sounded like a "pop song," was to sneak up on them a bit. The point was to have the people not offended by "Hallelujah," and by the time it gets to "Hare Krishna," they're already hooked, and their foot's tapping, and they're already singing along "Hallelujah," to kind of lull them into a sense of false security. And then suddenly it turns into "Hare Krishna," and they will all be singing that before they know what's happened, and they will think, "Hey, I thought I wasn't supposed to like Hare Krishna!"
See http://www.mantra-meditation.com/my-sweet-lord.html for the full text.
When you consider it "Wikipedia" could be substituted prosodically for "Hallelujah" or "Hare Krishna". :-)