schrieb am 15.04.05 18:04:26:
I have understand the term of the simpel English Wikipedia so that they want to create a Wikipedia with a easy English (language), I think this is very good for non English people with a not so good English. My term is it to create a Wikipedia that use a easy German and discribe it easy that mean that there should be no words, beside it is impossibel, they are not for the whole people (particularly kids and teenagers) not easy understand. And if we must use one of this words we should discribe it. It should be of a layer for kids between 10 to 16!
The discribtion is not good but I hope ii is enough for the moment!
One of the Simple English Wikipedia's main target groups /are/ children, pentiumforever. Check it out at . Children speakers of English face exactly the same problem as you discribe. So your proposal is indeed very analogous to the existing Simple English wikipedia. By the way, you should post your proposal on I suggest the domain
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That was a point that I have no known! Thanks for the information! I don't know much about the Wikipeadia away from the German is there a place where is it easy to ask people if they wanna help or is the German Wikipedia the right place?