Ivo Köthnig wrote:
The last point should never happen, since it is not allowed to use the money in another manner as discribed in the statute of the "e.V.". If we change the statute (which is not that easy itself, since most members have to vote for the changes), we risk to lose the ability to collect money tax-free, in particular if we change it to make a lucrative income for ourselves.
I don't know if there is a way to make a contract, that the "e.V." is allowed to use the name "Wikimedia" as long as you allow this. (may someone should research this) May that would be a solution for you, Jimbo?
Yes, something along those lines is exactly what I have in mind.
I do not wish to stand in the way of progress. I only want to caution that we move slowly, carefully, and *together*.