The Klingon pIqaD is encoded, albeit unofficially, in the Private Use Range of Unicode; it is registered with the Conscript Registry (I believe that's what it's called?) which is managed by Michael Everson, one of the main founders of Unicode.
I personally do not think that it would be a good idea to use that, though, because it's possible and even probable that the characters the average font assigns to the private use range do not match with those assigned by the Conscript Registry.
I think what James meant is that rather than typing things in a transliterated way, they should be typed in a way that's compatible with general non-Unicode pIqaD fonts.
I don't really know Klingon, but I'll give an example:
tlhIngan = transliteration DIngan = font (I think?)
It's not really much of an issue anyways, as presumably one could use opentype features to make the sequence t-l-h display as the tlh character; and from what I know, most Klingon in use isn't in pIqaD (even the few books written in Klingon, I think).
On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 19:53:08 +0200, Paweł 'Ausir' Dembowski wrote:
JRJ> After a cursory glance at the KLI,...they really should be writing their JRJ> wiki with the pIqaD font, instead of using tlh S D and the like. It'd be JRJ> more 'authentic.' JRJ> James
There would have to be Unicode support for that font first...
-- Ausir ICQ 41090834 GG 2730728
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