By that, do they mean can't get a boyfriend/girlfriend, and aren't good at nonverbal communication, or do they mean something more extreme?
On 06/06/05, Thomas R. Koll wrote:
On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 07:43:41PM +0200, Anthere wrote:
By the way, has Aplank left us ? I have not seen him in quite a while. He is even listed TWICE on the Aspergian list :-)
for left and right hand?
I wonder if I should not add myself on it as some told I was a light autist as a child.
.... I just read something scary
''Autism presents in a wide degree, from those who are nearly dysfunctional and apparently mentally retarded to those whose symptoms are mild or remedied enough to appear unexceptional ('normal') to the general public. These autistic persons are often classified as "nerds" or "geeks" by their peers.''
:de also includes lingual, communication and social problems, nothing I'd expect from a Wikipedian.
ciao, tom
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