Hoi, * With five active supporters, a project has a reasonable chance of succeeding. * You do not need to request a Wiktionary.. You could decide to be part of WiktionaryZ instead. The language portal has been created for you. * When you create a Wikipedia, the question of dialects in the speaking language is not really relevant. It is the written language that is of importance.. Are there differences in the written language as well ?
Thanks, GerardM
Mohammad Rastgaar wrote:
We have proposed Gileki language. And so far We have received good amount of supportive comments. I have some questions regarding this matter though
1-How many supporters are enough to proceed to the next steps? 2-Do we need to request a wikitionary too? or this project will be available when the domain of Gileki wikipedia is ready? 3- There are two dialects that are slightly different. But the native speakers can recognize which one is what they are listening to and the other is strange( sometimes funny!!) for them,but of course they understand it. What is the best solution to this issue? I am sure there have been many similar cases before. I would be gratefull to learn from other folks experiences.
Thanks a lot in advance _Rastgaar