as you know at the moment Wikipedia is stil blocked from the china mainland gouvement. But this is probably not their only measure against the WikiMedia-projects.
Please take a look at the following site: http://www.wikicn.com/wiki/%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5
This site is named as Wiki China and is hosted from some chinese companies. They call themselve the first chinese wiki encyclopedia and had (machine) copied over tens of thousands of articles from the chinese Wikipedia site, without mentioning their source, and without any hint of GFDL. Most articles has stil the interwiki-links in them, natuarally without any other language provided from this site. Further more they have cencored most of the sensitive articles, which could probably be the reason of the blocking.
Is there any possibility from the board to take any action? A mention of the source and GFDL is in my oppinion the fundamental action, which they should take.
Greetings Ting ([[:en:User:Philopp]] [[:de:User:Wing]] [[:zh:User:Wing]]