I could find the following problems:
- Automatic table of contents. A TOC-table is added to pages that contain more than three headings. This table links to the individual sections within the article and hopefully makes navigation easier.
The TOC is invalid HTML for two major reasons: * The top-level LI elements are not enclosed in an UL or OL * The child ULs are outside the parent LIs.
- Editing of individual sections. You need to be logged in to test this. Just click the "[edit]" link next to a headline to change the text of that particular section.
The [edit] link does not display when you're logged out, but when you log in it is set as a default. This is potentially confusing to users. Settings should not change by creating an account :-)
- Linking into the Special: namespace with parameters. See Brion's separate mail for details.
Seems to work great! :-)
Greetings, Timwi