Beginning next Tuesday (when Jason Richey returns from a weekend vacation), we are going to be taking the non-English Wikipedias more seriously:
1. We'll be setting up non-English Wikipedias for all the other major languages (including many we've omitted).
2. We'll be actively seeking out translations of the main text (e.g., the GNU license notice), and uploading the translations. I.e., we will proactively goes to Wikipedia-L, to the individual non-English Wikipedias, and perhaps also to specific individuals, requesting the text and promising to upload it immediately upon receipt.
3. We will soon (probably today) set up a non-English Wikipedia standards mailing list, which would explain set basic standards that we would like all Wikipedias to follow (think of it as the UN). Since the English language Wikipedia should exemplify the same standards, whatever they are, we could very plausibly call this the "international Wikipedia forum" or something like that.