Printed copies aside, how about showing several different types of links:
To articles not addressed at all yet
To stubs (including those where only the title remains) of 100 words or less
To articles of 100 to 1000 words
To articles of 1000 words or more
Could be color-coded maybe, but that would not be lynx compliant.
Maybe a note on the main page, perhaps every page, or perhaps on stub pages, should explain that we have only just begun to address many topics and that there are withing Wikipedia many short articles that need development and how a new reader can freely jump in and help.
At 10:58 PM 8/26/02 -0700, you wrote:
However, I think it a poor idea to show all the links as if they were filled. First, because it is somehow "cheating" to pretend that information is available, and of course, for all the reasons many of you give against very short stubs (in particular, the fact you don't feel the urge to get up in the middle of the night to add something yourself).
Empty links and filled links should appear differently on prints.