On 8/19/02 6:21 PM, "Stephen Gilbert" canuck_in_korea2002@yahoo.com wrote:
There should be the option of having Recent Changes show changes from any array of the languages, so that for a French contributor fluent in English, his Recent Changes (and thus his Wikipedia, to a large degree) looks like a French-English Wikipedia.
The only problem with this suggesting is that the English Wikipedia's Recent Changes is huge when it should each and every change, rather than combining changes made on the same article. Adding the French one to that would make it useless.
Right. There are a lot of ways to make the Recent Changes page more useful. The trick is to figure out a way of doing so without allowing total balkanization.
One reform/change I'd recommend is that for non-minor edits, something must be put in the summary. That still trusts users enough not to waste their time on minor edits, but forces them to help others review their work easily.