At 12:30 PM -0700 10/3/01, wrote:
I'm not sure if what Peter's working on is the sort of information that belongs in an encyclopedia--but if so, I'd second your request.
The information is a set of data structures each requiring comment from multiple users in the industry. Not unusual in structure -mostly textual references.
BTW: All Mac and Windows users, you are viewing your web page text using these TrueType font structures right now :-)
I like the idea of a beta on the wikipedia site to get consensus up on the use of the wiki approach.
Could I make up a set of pages with the following master page and links to each of the pages listed below?
Best wishes
An Overview of special font tables The Font Directory The 'acnt' (accent attachment) table The 'avar' (axis variation) table The 'bdat' (bitmap data) table The 'bhed' (bitmap font header) table The 'bloc' (bitmap location) table The 'bsln' (baseline) table The 'cmap' (character code mapping) table The 'cvar' (CVT variation) table The 'cvt ' (control value) table The 'EBSC' (embedded bitmap scaling control) table The 'fdsc' (font descriptor) table The 'feat' (layout feature) table The 'fmtx' (font metrics) table The 'fpgm' (font program) table The 'fvar' (font variation) table The 'gasp' (grid-fitting and scan-conversion procedure) table The 'glyf' (glyph outline) table The 'gvar' (glyph variation) table The 'hdmx' (horizontal device metrics) table The 'head' (font header) table The 'hhea' (horizontal header) table The 'hmtx' (horizontal metrics) table The 'hsty' (horizontal style) table The 'just' (justification) table The 'kern' (kerning) table The 'lcar' (ligature caret) table The 'loca' (glyph location) table The 'maxp' (maximum profile) table The 'mort' (metamorphosis) table The 'morx' (extended metamorphosis) table The 'name' (name) table The 'opbd' (optical bounds) table The 'OS/2' (compatibility) table The 'post' (glyph name and PostScript compatibility) table The 'prep' (control value program) table The 'prop' (properties) table The 'trak' (tracking) table The 'vhea' (vertical header) table The 'vmtx' (vertical metrics) table The 'Zapf' (glyph reference) table