On 4/19/05, Alphax alphasigmax@gmail.com wrote:
Chad Perrin wrote:
If you really want the thing to look nice and be inaccessible to many, perhaps you should distribute it as a PDF attachment instead of an HTML email. The preferred reaction to finding out that some people don't like HTML cluttering up their inboxes, though, might simply be to provide an option for either text or HTML at subscription time. That way, people get what they want, rather than getting the entire HTML layout when all they want is information.
Agreed. PDF is universal, pretty, and can have links in it - which is why someone wanted it in HTML in the first place.
First of all, there seems to be misunderstanding about the content of this html email. It is not meant to be a full replica of the quarto, ie every page designed etc, but simply a pleasant layout of multilingual links to those already designed pages on the foundation wiki or meta. It would direct the person to the release message in their language (in the mail) and from here to the actual web version. There are also links at the side panel to these pages.
Secondly, if there is a way of multiparting this message with text and html - great! Let's do it. (How?)
Thirdly, that one pixel image used by spammers is surely inserted into the email by the spammers, no? I mean, we're not going to be doing that, right?
Finally, the PDF solution would be elegant, and could be used for the print version. One problem is that apparently we can't host that version on meta (as it's a proprietary format) and also, we would have to wait until the various versions are fully translated before we did this. But more fundamentally, we'd need someone to do it.
So, any volunteers to a) help me design this html email with multiparted text version or b) do some PDF versioning? I'm looking for solutions - not trying to ram a html email down anyone's throat.
Thanks Cormac