Hi, please consider also Jeff's machine translation way to do this - if things go correctly we all can have less work with better effects. The thing is: we need the terminology + we need to go very much into detail when it comes to determine which domain a text is in (general, historical, technical, chimical etc. just to name some) to get better results.
We will very likely have such a tool for OmegaT (one that detemines the domain a text belongs to) - so if it works there it will work also for other software.
I don't know if Wikitrans creates problems to translate the other way round - from other languages to English, if there are not too many issues it would make sense to consider it. Otherwise or additionally I would consider to use OmegaT as CAT-Tool since you will be able to exchange the translation memories + will have a direct connection to WiktionaryZ (in future - I have no exact time frame on the last feature now). The programming of a WikiRead WikiWrite feature for OmegaT is already on its way and will be a question of .... have to ask ... I need it for a project at the beginning of October - so hopefully we will have it ready by that date.
Anyway: there will be an OmegaT-how-to meeting on skypecast next week. Who is interested can of course participate: it's free. I don't know the exact time frame now since I have to co-ordinate the translators working on the project. Anyway it would be interesting to know who wants to attend such a online course. So I created a page on my wiki for people who want to let me know (http://wordsandmore.org/index.php?title=Wordsandmore:OmegaT_online_courses ). I am doing this there, because it interesses not only people from the wikimedia foundation. The course will be held for a group of 10 translators who will need to work with the tool in a project, and of course everyone is welcome).
Futher info about OmegaT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OmegaT
Probably I will write another crosspost to several lists when I have the date and time set.
Sorry, have to go now :-)
Best, Sabine
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