Oh, et, para l'entertainement Dvs., une traduzzione al Europante:
Hey, Klingon may be nerdy et funcky, et lo possiblement tiene menos de 1 totalmente-competent sprachadoras nativas (zum ser fair, hay at least 2 sprechedors nativos, but neither von ellos were raised entirement en Klingon porquoi sus parents gave arriba antes von realising belatedly que el lacks traducciones fur worter necessaire zum o ninho-hood rico e enjoyable comme "mesa" y "joi"), pero at menos el has un (mostly) constant vocabulaire et grammar.
According al most de los definitions mas complessos de "langue", Europanto no would qualifiquer como un -- nein tiene un vocabulario relativement fijado. The lenguajes sources son even para-sure -- some gente incluyen alle les lenguajes Europaisches, otros limit el zum Aleman, Englisch, Franzosisch, y Spagnol, altres incluyen lenguajes varios altres como l'Italiano, Nederlands, Portugesisch, Swedish... until ellos resolven l'issue del way-too-many-sinonimos y el myriad uncertanties linguistiques, es mas of a pan-Europeen Wind Up Pidgin, pero probablement even menos sviluppatto que that -- more de eine jargon o un cant o argot.
Gente, devolve quand votre idioma tiene un vocabulaire mas stable. El answer will probablement still ser eine "nein" resoundingo until hay speakadoras nativas o un following huge huge...
Sinceremente dvs., Marcos Williamson
On 04/02/06, Michael Snow wikipedia@earthlink.net wrote:
Neil Harris wrote:
Since it appears to be possible to generate Europanto by word-by-word translation of English into European languages chosen at random on a word-by-word basis, I'd imagine that it would not be too difficult to generate a Europanto Wikipedia programmatically, using the English Wikipedia as source material, and perhaps Wiktionary as the word-for-word translation dictionary. Throw in link grammars for fair-to-reasonable part-of-speech tagging...
Und voila! Esta Vikipedio Europantoi - L'encyclopédie fria e gratuita, mit 950,000 artikelen!
Curiously, my brain processes that as "The fried encyclopedia". So I guess it's a decent enough joke. As a Wikipedia language, though, it ranks up there with Klingon.
--Michael Snow _______________________________________________ Wikipedia-l mailing list Wikipedia-l@Wikimedia.org http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikipedia-l
-- "Take away their language, destroy their souls." -- Joseph Stalin
-- "Take away their language, destroy their souls." -- Joseph Stalin