Mark Williamson wrote:
- I don't call people I disagree with barking mad, unless they really
are barking mad. I believe this is the first time in a few months I've called anyone barking mad, and in the intervening time there have been plenty of people with whom I've had disagreements. I think most people on this list would agree that Mr Jack and Naree is "barking mad".
I disagree.
Yes, but you're not most people...
- Mr. Jack & Naree's most recent message is a bit daft ("looks like
he failed"). If he had the sense to check, he would see that that message was not, in fact, a response to his "troll test" e-mail but rather to his earlier e-mail which was written in all-caps. And, if it takes two to troll, why is just about everybody else on this list calling him a troll? Does that mean that they're all trolls too? And, of course, this isn't a response to him, but a note to you which is related to but not in response to his message. And if anyone so wishes, I invite them to inform Mr Macdaddy that the troll test, from now on, applies to him as well: if he IS a troll, he'll make another post to this or related threads; if he ISN'T a troll, he won't.
Who else agrees that he's a troll?
Lars Aronsson and Ray Santoinge do, at least as far as I know, and I'd be very surprised if nobody else did.