I agree this is probably worth looking at right away (after I fix the bug Jan and Karen found about links not updating properly when creating an article from one with previous broken links).
You Wrote:
I like the new software in general, but (and I know we've talked
about it before) I really do not think the current search system is ideal. It's just not correct. Do a search for "pi" or "george w bush" or "malcolm x" and see. You and I know that we need three-character terms, but the average user will not, and will be surprised, misled, and maybe even contemptuous to see the incorrect search results:
"No article title matches" "No article text matches"
If it's too difficult to allow searches for terms of any length, then
maybe the software could ignore the terms that are under 3 characters and search for the remaining terms.
I think also that the search page should have a warning about how
searches for 3 character words work.
At the very least, the returned message should not report that we do
not have an article on a topic when some of the search terms are three characters or less.