--- Kurt Jansson jansson@gmx.net wrote:
Hi Anthere!
Some months ago, somebody (sorry, I don't remember
who) raised the
topic of "Les troph�es du Libre".
That was me :-) Everybody who doesn't know what this is about, take a look at http://www.tropheesdulibre.org/main.php?lang=en
I was not sure it was you or Magnus...
I know some consider it a very french matter, so
to be raised only on
the french wiki.
Why? I thought it's an international contest.
That's what I also think. But not everybody agrees...
I wondered which page would be more suited to be
indicated as the
main entrance for the whole project.
I'd choose the English one, because it looks best and, I have to admit, you can see the best content there (remember, we want to win a contest).
Youssefsan registered us yesterday (thanks Youssef), and I just updated his text. Please find it below
If someone see fit changes, tell us, and Youssef or I would make the change (IF we agree :-), the site is not a wiki, and only us have the password...I am kikking)
And it's impossible to miss the other language Wikipedias.
Well...on the french site you can't miss them either...
Ok, Youssef gave the link to the french site...
Since, I am hinting in the text that it's a wiki, that any visitor can edit, I can hardly put a protected page as an example of what a wiki page is, no ? :-))
incidently, we had a goatse visit yesterday
Even better, give them a link to the English BrilliantProse page.
Ah, good point though I wonder what should be more stressed here...I think stress should be on software more than content given the goal of the contest. Fact is - as I said - I am not in the computer field, I know little about it (and little about ftp uses - I believe most users will likely no nothing about ftps...), given the number of people working in computer science on the french wiki, I could imagine they would be more suitable than me to talk about which languages and which technologies are used
Any candidate to take care of that please ?
Sorry, my french is really bad, and I didn't understand the English translation the last time I visited the site, that's why I asked on this list for someone to take care about it. Is it really that much work?
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