I have a hypothetical question, and wikipedia-l seems the best place to ask it, so I have temporarily subscribed.
Suppose a group of people wanted to build a specialized encyclopedia for their own purposes, and decided to create it on Wikipedia so they don't have to worry about hosting or software issues. Suppose they saw Wikipedia as a free collaboration tool, and although they didn't mind releasing their work under the GFDL, they weren't specifically interested in creating a _general purpose_ encyclopedia.
Would this group of people and their project be welcome?
Specifically, suppose that the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada
decided that their 2000-article On-line Canadian Mennonite Encyclopedia was significantly out of date, and that an efficient way to collaborate on getting it updated would be to pipe it into Wikipedia and work on it from there. As an added bonus to them, their articles would start getting high rankings from Google.
I must stress the hypothetical nature of this question. I have no reason to believe that MHSC is willing to release their work under the GFDL, or that they are interested in collaborating by using Wikipedia as a free platform. But supposing they were willing and interested, would we want them to?
* Would we want lengthy and expert contributions to current articles on Conrad Grebel, George Blaurock, and Mennonite theology? * Would we want short biographies of notable modern Canadian Mennonites? * Would it be a nuisance and a waste of space to have a separate article for every Mennonite congregation in Canada? * Would we be embarrassed if there were more information in Wikipedia about the Mennonite faith than about any other religion?
Reatreating from the specific question into generalities, I can imagine several cases where groups have a set of information, objective and encyclopedic in nature, which they want to disseminate for reasons of their own. I can imagine those groups looking to Wikipedia as a free tool towards their ends, and seeing the GFDL as a reasonable license to sign off on in exchange for the privilege.
* Have there already been cases of piggybacking? * Has the community reached any sort of consensus opinion towards piggybackers? * If not, does anyone else anticipate that this will become an issue in the future?
Thanks in advance for satisfying my curiosity on this point.
Peace, -Karl
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