On Fri, 21 May 2004 17:49:49 -0700, Delirium delirium@hackish.org wrote:
Perhaps a question at the side with "Click here if there is a word you want to look up in Wiktionary". Clicking would open a question mark cursor that could be positioned over the problem word and clicked.
That sounds like a great idea to me, if there's a reasonable way to implement something like that (Javascript?).
That specific implementation sounds iffy. If I were to go about doing this (in any web page) I think the following procedure would be needed: * have the link set some sort of Java-script variable (wiktClick=true) and perhaps adjust the stylesheet so the cursor would become a Help cursor * set the word in its own private <span> or something with an onMouseClick event which calls a function with its self as an argument which would load up the relevant page if clicked when wiktClick was on.
The problem would be that, from what I know of JavaScript in HTML, you would need an event handler for EVERY SINGLE WORD. This could easily quadruple the size of the HTML pages. So I don' t think this implementation would work per se.
What might be better is some sort of new syntax. Perhaps something like: <<fancyword>> Then you could have a link which could toggle hilighting for these words and a JavaScript handler for sending people to Wiktionary when it was toggled.