Erik Moeller wrote:
Well, the idea of the Sifter project was to create a stable space where articles can *never*, by definition, be in an undesirable state.
Yes. To make this more concrete, one goal of a "Sifter" project of some sort would be to have a 'release 1.0' that could be easily produced in a 'hard' medium like paper or CD-ROM.
I've been working (but more slowly than I would like) on a proposal for a timetable for a drive to 1.0.
I would have titled Erik's proposal differently. Instead of saying "Do we really need a Sifter project?" I might have titled it "Do we already have a Sifter project, without realizing it?"
And I'm inclined to agree with the notion that adding a few ideas to a function that already arose organically from within the community is more likely to be naturally successful than something made up 'a priori' to meet our Platonic Ideal of what a sifter project "should" look like.