Ray Saintonge:
The new reader part is not a big bother. These questions are often short and simple, and many can be easily be answered by whoever
to be available.
Some of the debates are extremely annoying, such as the recent Robert/Jtdirl dispute, and the ones that complain about yet another reincarnation of Lir. Perhaps we could have a whineopedia mailing
(or if our Brits prefer a wingeopedia). A moderator on this list
redirect any qualifying letters to that list. Or perhaps, to save the sanity of the moderator, an anti-spam device could make the diversion. "Lir" and "anti-Semitism" are canditates for words that would trigger the diversion. Anyone who likes receiving this kind of message wuld
free to subscribe to the whineopedia list. :-)
Hmm. Maybe a web-based bulletin board which by its nature helps people sort discussions by topic and discourages getting off topic, and which allows for easier reference to the Wikipedia content being discussed?
Just a thought.