On 5/29/06, Anthony DiPierro wikilegal@inbox.org wrote:
But I don't see the elimination of barriers to contribution as being exclusive to being a wiki. Is DMOZ a wiki? Would it become one if you eliminated the rules about signing up and getting approved before you can "become an editor"?
Jimmy Wales tried applying "the wiki part" to a web directory (Wikiasari). The project failed miserably.
I dunno, maybe DMOZ *would* be "a wiki" if you eliminated just a couple of the stupid rules. And maybe it would be enormously more successful if you did so. Of course, maybe Nupedia would have overtaken Wikipedia by now if Bomis had just funded it for a few more years. I've read before that Larry Sanger thinks this.
DMOZ is a creepy mess; Wikipedia's starting to develop some of the same self-congratulating culture of admins that it has (or had last time I checked). It freaks me out.