It's me who put this in the "racialisme" article. The word may be used by quite some people, but I really think that it was invented by racist groups and people to justify racism. Links in Google don't and can't justify anything.
And I also redirected the articles about "racisme anti-blanc" and "racisme à l'envers" to "racisme". Personnally I don't think such articles should be in Wikipedia. I think that it doesn't improve the quality and reputation of Wikipedia.
But if a great number of people think I am wrong, then put back these articles.
However, I do not support the idea to block people who write racist articles. It's counter-productive. It's better to correct their articles and show them the limit (as defined by the law in France). And this as long as they are few and we can correct their articles.
Regards, Yann
PS: I didn't subscribed to this list. So cc: me if necessary.
Anthere, do you read my mails ????? I don't say racialism don't exist because there are not in the dictionnary. I said this word is not french, so we have to think about how to handle this kind of case. And what is the criteria that make a word that don't exist officially can be add in an encyclopedie or not ? I'm not the one that put the poor definition of racialism yesterday and I'm not the one who have removed [racisme antiblanc] and [racisme inverse]. Please stop firing in the whole.
< Aoineko
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