I just updated the CVS with the caching mechanism I proposed on the tech talk page.
It is deactivated by default, because you need to alter your database prior to use.
To activate: 1. In mysql, add the field cur_cache: ALTER TABLE cur ADD cur_cache MEDIUMTEXT 2. Edit wikiText.php and remove the # from the last coding line, so that it reads $useCachedPages = true ;
The one thing I didn't implement is the regular "forced update" of the cache. This could be done by counting the views and flushing the cache after, say, 50 views. It could also be time-based, so it is refereshed if the cache is more than two weeks old. (just example values)
Note that pages with variables (like the Main Page with {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}) are *not* cached.
I noticed a slight performance improvement at my machine (~15%) when reading a cached page, and no noticable delay on saving the cache.
"The Need For Speed" continues on this channel ;)