I think I'll throw my $0.02 in. I regard this as quite an annoying problem. The facts that * every LanguageXx update requires a developer's action * developers are generally very busy * we have no developer on cs: mean that "our" LanguageCs.php file in CVS is really outdated. I try to regularly update/correct LanguageCs.php on meta, but this has no effect (and [[meta:Requests for languageXX.php update]] is marked as deprecated).
So I was thinking -- would it be possible to give a person some kind of "language-maintainer", ("limited-developer") privileges? All that would be required is write-access to the language subdirectories in CVS and the language-specific wiki(es) or even only to the specific LanguageXx.php and maybe some kind of possibility to reinitialize the MediaWiki namespace (maybe through a little bit tweaked rebuildMessages.php).
Any ideas, opinions, ...?
[[cs:User:Mormegil|Petr Kadlec]] (a sysop/bureaucrat on cs:)