On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:34:07 +0000, Ron H aceron99@hotmail.com wrote:
No, it isn't, Andre :) . It's a difference of a factor of 10, which is the same as my results. Only thing is: "Klingon" is the name of both the *race* and the *language*. Quenya is only the name of the language. So naturally 'Klingon' gets more hits. To me, THAT seems a misinterpretation.
I was discussing with Mark the number of *fluent* speakers of Quenya vs *fluent* speakers of Klingon. Naturally, fluent speakers are more likely to use the Klingon word for "Klingon", just as fluent speakers of Quenya are more likely to refer to 'Quenya' rather than "Elf-latin" (the English term for Quenya).
I have no wish to extend this discussion inordinately, but this point doesn't strike me as credible. 'Elf-latin' may be the formal English name for Quenya, but it is very clear that English speakers, even those unfamiliar with Quenya, do routinely call it "Quenya", not 'Elf-latin'. For proof you need look no further than this thread.
I don't see how Google rankings will be of much use here. 'Klingon' will return a lot of junk about Star Trek, mostly in English. 'tlhIngan' will probably hit a lot of stuff in Klingon. 'Quenya' will return both stuff in Quenya and stuff in English (or other languages). Since the two are commingled, I can't see how you can get any results out of this.