On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:59:16 +0200, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
On 14/12/2007, cohesion cohesion@sleepyhead.org wrote:
From google
http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2007/12/encouraging-people-to-contribute.html Just wondering what people think. :)
Oooh. Straight CC-by-3.0? That's excellent! If they require release under a free licence then that's a BIG WIN for our aims.
I wouldn't view this initiative as intended to be a complete Wikipedia-killer, but surely it's aimed to compete for the knowledge-related traffic. Already there are: the coined buzzword and the author's vanity factor.
While Wikipedia's community process is too often abused, it is all but non-existent in the said inititive: "...For many topics, there will likely be competing knols on the same subject. Competition of ideas is a good thing.".
Google's backing isn't mean thing: "...If an author chooses to include ads, Google will provide the author with substantial revenue share from the proceeds of those ads."
And who said anything about free licences on content? There's no one word on such in all the Official Google Blog post. The image shows mockup using some CC-by'ed photo from flickr.
The CC-by-3.0 license is on the image. Just hard to find. Look at the sidebar on the right.