Apparently, you underestimate the power of nationalism.
I am well aware they do not read SC exclusively. HOWEVER, SC is by far their prefered script and in most cases their edits are around 99% or 95% to Simplified articles.
Jin Junshu/Mark
On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 14:44:36 +0800, Lorenzarius wrote:
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 21:43:55 -0700, Mark Williamson wrote:
Chances are, someday there will be a way to synchronize en: and jp: easily too. How is that relevant?
You are using an inappropriate comparison. How can one compare the difference between English and Japanese to the difference between TC and SC? Linguists would laugh to death on hearing this.
Yes, I tried it. So what?
So what? That means we are solving the problem. While you're evading the problem, by simply splitting zh into zh-tw and zh-cn.
"Community consensus"? Let me give you a scenario here which I find comparable to the "community consensus" on zh:
The People's Republic of China decides to hold a vote on the fate of Taiwan. Taiwanese people as well as mainlanders get to vote. The result is an overwhelming majority in favour of immediate "reunification" using force if nessecary. This is not a fair vote, because since the PRC is by far the majority here their opinion is much more well-represented than that of Taiwan. I think this is similar to the situation on zh:, with a group of simplified users - including you - and a mere handful of traditional users who agree with them reaching a "consensus" to keep a unified zh:.
So, you have two choices here: we can run Wikipedia like it is the PRC and hold a sham vote where one group of people gets to decide the fate of another group of people, or we can run it *fairly* where we have private e-mail discussions between Traditional users and the relevant Wikipedia people, ie Tim Starling, Jimbo, etc etc.
This is not a comparable scenario.
Mainland Chinese does not live in Taiwan. They are not the people of Taiwan. Thus they have no right to decide whether Taiwan should do anything.
However, wikipedians from mainland does not only read SC exclusively. Most of them can read both TC and SC. That makes them eligible to vote on this TC/SC issue.
And why do you think mainlanders would vote in favor of unification? Is that because you have some prejudice against people from mainland? If this is so, this again shows you that you don't understand the zh community.