Remember that, so far as we have been able to tell, there _is_ a disproportionate majority of male Wikimedia project users...
I tend to make a guess based on the username, and sometimes the result is bizzarre. If you consider it, most people have in their mind a register of names which belong to people, and which are usually for boys and which are for girls.
Names such as "Anthere", "Aphaia", "Eloquence", "Maverick", "Dori", "The Epopt", "HaafLimbo", "Guaka", "Cicero", and the like, I judge based on existing data which can have odd results since none or only a couple of these names are already in my personal register.
"Anthere" I judged as a man (however if in the future I meet somebody with the screenname "Zinthere" I will probably judge them as a woman), "Aphaia" as a woman, "Eloquence" as a woman, "Maverick" as a man, "Dori" as a woman ("Dori" is the name of a female fish in a movie I saw so this one was not without precedent), "The Epopt" as a man, "HaafLimbo" as a man, "Guaka" as a man, and "Cicero" as a man.
Now please note that these are not reflections on the person themselves, and that it is certainly not something I decide to do conciously. I just have a sort of image of what these people look like in real life, and the screenname is usually the prime factor which I subconciously decide the gender by. Of course there is room for correction...
On 23/05/05, Anthere wrote:
Wouter Steenbeek a écrit:
OK, Nicolas, thank you for pointing this out. I was only afraid that the very same would happen to my own, not-yet-mature test wiki. Furthermore I apologise for considering Mrs. Aphaia a man. I naturally consider users of whom I don't know the sex as male.
/me goes for another cup of herbal tea.
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