The Cunctator writes:
But it's not a way to find out what a majority of people wants. It's a way to find out how many people there are who subscribe to the list, agree with your way of defining the issues, and like putting X's in boxes.
I don't propose it for decision making but just as a indicator which direction we should work on and which should we abandon. If you don't like this interpretation, see it as a survey.
And what's the point in finding out what a majority of people want? You should want to do the right thing.
I admire your idealistic expectation to find out what is "right" in a social system - an enterprise in which almost all social scientists and politicians in history (except Marx, Plato, Rousseau, Mao, Ghaddafi etc) failed. Wikipedia's international community is a social system, after all.
That said, multilingualism is certainly crucial to the central purpose of Wikipedia, which is to build a complete encyclopedia.
in as many languages as possible. Cut this goal and we can finish this discussion.
greetings, elian