On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 07:22:40 -0700, Jimmy Wales jwales@bomis.com gave utterance to the following:
According to their website, Britannica's Deluxe Edition 2004 CD has 75,000 articles.
Presumably, many of these are longer and of higher quality than our 150,000 English-language articles.
From our groovy new stats tool, we know that the average Wikipedia
article is 2,115 bytes. Perhaps of greater interest, 53% of our articles, or right around 75,000, are longer than 1,500 bytes.
So a question naturally comes to mind - how do our 75,000 >1,500 byte articles stack up again Britannica's 75,000 articles?
But aren't a third of those 1500-byte+ articles the machine-generated ones on US small towns?