The solution is broader participation by Romanian speakers. So don't give up and don't engage in a meltdown on the site. Continue to advance alternate versions of the disputed articles, but don't overdo it.
The Foundation may chose to intervene, as I doubt this is an isolated problem.
The majority of the sensible Romanian Wikipedians on the English Wikipedia don't go anywhere near the Romanian Wikipedia, and I don't blame them.
Imagine a Wikipedia where the admins are either uncaring, trolls or hopelessly biased. Thats what you're dealing with, and thats why articles such as C5%9Ftii_evrei_%C3%AEmpotriva_rom%C3%A2nilor_%C3%AEn_timpul_evacu%C4% 83rii_din_Basarabia_%C5%9Fi_Bucovina_%C3%AEn_1940 "Crimes and horrors committed by communist Jews against romanians in the time of the evacuation from Bessarabia and Bukovina in 1940"
and "World Communism and the Jews"
still exist after months.