On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 21:11:07 EDT, Ralphem@aol.com gave utterance to the following:
Eric, There is a basic problem with your logo, logo contest, and use of art in general -- a good number of us out here cannot see them! ALL of the art on your pages discusssing the logo contest come up with a red X in place of the art. You discuss the fact that you want all logo designs in PNG format, but this is a format that not all systems (Mac) and not all browsers (AOL 5.0, the only software available for older Power PC Macs) support -- so you are cutting out a sizeable portion of potential viewership.
Are you sure about that? It sounds very strange to me, because for years Windows users have had to put up with the default viewer for png being taken over by that most famous piece of cross-platform Appleware, Quicktime. And last time I checked out Opera 4 and 5 on my crusty old 75MHz MacpowerPC it was showing pngs just fine and dandy (except for alpha-transparency, which came with Opera 6, but you won't find many alpha-transparent PNG's on the web anyway given that MSIE can't handle them.