On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 12:56:07AM -0700, Toby Bartels wrote:
(Contrary to popular opinion, I've never suggested $$x \leq y$$.
Sorry for that, I started that rumour, it seemed like a logical generalization of your idea and as such not a bad suggestion.
What I suggested was $$x$$ ≤ $$y$$, which won't fool any TeXer into thinking that it's actual TeX; the markup is merely *inspired* by TeX.
I would not be so sure: $$ *is* LaTeX mark-up.
The only thing that $$...$$ has over [[math:...]] is in the situation of a very short formula like a single letter, and there it's better to use <var> instead of a gif *anyway*.
I disagree strongly. That would mean that if I have a formula with one letter variables and two letter variables the first would be written as <var> and the second as TeX within the same text. Always using LaTeX will look better and is more consistent.
-- Jan Hidders