Why all the discussion about advertising, distributed hosting and mirroring? It all seems a bit Alice in Wonderland.
You already have a good site easily able to handle the load, which is only moderate, from what I can see.
You have a well-disposed site manager in the form of Jimmy Wales who has generously declared himself happy to continue running and paying for it. The marginal cost of running an extra host to support something the size of Wikipedia is not great, so you don't need advertising anytime soon. I mean the whole thing will sit on $100 or less worth of disk, for heavens sake!
But you've just lost your EDITOR-IN-CHIEF! You need an EDITOR first and foremost. If you can't get an editor, you need to work out how to set up a group to keep the vision and the standards going, or the lights will start going out. Which would be a shame.
GrahamEmail: grahamc@patia.com Web : http://patia.com/grahamc