The above mentioned points emphasize why it is so important to get a universal login where you can have a universal watchlist, recent changes etcetera for all the MediaWiki projects and languages. Then they could truly start to benefit from each other. And when you could move and copy (for translation) articles between projects, we would have an easy way to move and use content between the projects without breaking the GFDL (contributor history).
If we are to effectively expand from making an encyclopedia to producing useful, factual, NPOV and free information for the world (or as the by-laws state "encourage the further growth and development of open content, social sofware WikiWiki-based projects [...] and to provide the full contents of those projects to the public free of charge") I think we need to focus more on how to most effectively produce this information. The first major step is to give users one interface from where they can work on and monitor all projects in all languages, using the interface-language of their own choice.
I know I have gone lenghts outside this thread now, but I hope I am within the boundaries of the list. I have been wanting to say a lot of this for a long time now, but it has been timeconsuming and diffcult to "put on paper", hope I didn't fail miserably or just repeat what others have said tens of times before.
I'd agree with this. A universal login would be pretty cool, and useful.