----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Parmenter" tompar@world.std.com To: wikipedia-l@wikipedia.org Cc: wikipedia-l@wikipedia.org Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:18 AM Subject: Re: [Wikipedia-l] Acronyms
|From: "Pedro M.V." macv@interlap.com.ar |Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 05:04:35 +0100 || |We need in wikipedia free http://www.acronymfinder.com/ | |Regards. |
Seems to be marketing for Amazon books. I searched on ILO, it gave me a bunch of expansions, such as "International Labor Organizaton" and "In Lieu Of", each with a button that led to the results of an Amazon search using the expanded term as keywords. Clever, but too commercial for us, don't you think?
For sure. We could use [[acron:ILO]] and in the wikipedia [[ILO]] include :
- International Labor Organizaton and so on.
No commercial ( external ) links need in our wikipedia.
Could be included more acronyms like IMHO and so on.