I have the feeling your changes are only gradually taking effect on test.wikipedia.org.
As I said, the software does not consider changes to the stylesheet relevant enough to tag its cached pages as expired, so you'll have to log in to see these changes immediately (only anons get static pages).
I'm not seeing this change, so I'll look back at it tomorrow, but I don't think this will convince me.
Sorry, but you're simply a minority. There's only so much that can be reasonably done to meet your concerns. Putting annoying fat borders on every page is IMHO not an option.
Well, actually the previous heading appeared bolder to me than the current one does. However, this is due to the particular font I've set in my browser (Verdana) and its habit of suddenly getting quite a bit fatter from one point size to the next. I understand most people use Times New Roman instead. However, if it doesn't upset too many people, if you could change it just slightly from 125% to 130%?
Yeah, sorry. At the time I still had the yellow backgrounds. I see the new colour now, and to be honest, it's too light for me to distinguish directly from the pure white of real articles (I'm on an LCD).
I think that's great -- the colors should only give a weak indication that you're on a different page type, not dominate the entire layout as the yellow does. Wiki can be operated reasonably well without that information.
What about the simple grey meta uses? But then again, it'd be indistinguishable from meta.
I don't think every Wiki needs its own color set.