Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz wrote:
Are we making the future 100,000 pages totally flat ? One level of subpages is surely not enough but this is a usemod technology stumbling block, not so easily overcome.
Well, adding more layers wouldn't be that difficult, technologically speaking.
But I'm not sure that they would be a good idea. "Accidental linking" is important. Having page names like "Humanities/Philosophy/Existentialism/Sartre" might have some appeal, but they would cut down on the ease of use for new authors, which is very important.
What hypertext is all about is linking to other parts of information pool but without a navigation system (and search system) we are going round in circles.
Circles aren't bad, are they?
I do agree that the search engine is going to have to be improved substantially, and soon. It's getting slower and slower, and the results aren't ranked in any particularly clever way.